Business Courses For Creatives Online Ireland
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Marketing & Mindset For
Passionate Business Owners

Teaching small business owners marketing, sales & mindset
strategies, to run their business confidently.



With over 10.5k members Bite The Biscuit FB Group is an amazing resource for Creatives who need those guiding links, conversations and peers to help move forward.
A sincere non judgemental space, we pride ourselves to be Irelands #1 Community for Creatives. Join the Biccies. 

business growth community

Now hosting 150 members The Biscuit Factory is a growth incubator for ambitious Creatives wanting continuous business strategy, education and mentoring. We open the doors of The Factory twice a year April & September. Get more details and get ready to move forward with your business, faster!

1:1 Business mentoring

With 28 years experience in business both on and offline business development I have an array of insight, skills and connections to get you to the next level. My mentoring sessions are intuitive, empathetic and highly valuable to every creative business owner.
Save time and hop on a call with me to gain clarity and focus for business growth.


I am a serial entrepreneur and TedX speakerwho began my business journey 28 years ago.
I have since built and sold two successful businesses, folded one and pivoted the other. I've advised & mentored 100's of business owners before launching my dream online business that has served 1000's of Creatives since 2015.

I have taught & advised in Irelands top university Trinity College Dublin & built programs for government bodies whilst building a 6 figure business online.

Throw in 2 kiddos, 1 wedding, 7 house moves, 2 house sales, 2 years travelling, 4 businesses, 10,000+ Creative Community, TedX talk, 1000s of students, breakdowns, huge highs & hitting 6 figure revenue mark and everything in between....but guess what...I am only getting started to ensure YOU LEARN FROM THE BEST.

Are you struggling with keeping on top of all those ideas?
Manage Your To-Do List Smartly With
The Scrum Board!

 "I joined Tara in the factory when I was feeling overwhelmed and a little lost, struggling with working alone.

Being part of The Factory keeps me motivated and gives me the space to bounce business ideas, hear others share their experiences and get newfound direction or clarity on what I should be doing.

The workshops are also really helpful for improving or learning ne

w skills or practices for your business. Tara has been an amazing support keeping me focused on the right things in my business, as well as a great help at getting rid of that self doubt that constantly tries to take over!

The factory has been a huge benefit to me personally and my business so far!" 

Michelle Ryan 

 The community is so supportive, there is always someone who is at the same stage as you, or having the same problem, and everyone is more than happy to share their knowledge and expertise.

Whether you just need to feel that you are not alone, or you need advice grounded in real life experience, this is the place to be.

The sessions are very much community led teaching what is salient to the group. I love the atmosphere of gentle accountability.

And last but by no means least Tara has the remarkable knack of reminding you just what is important, and where you need to place your focus when you are feeling overwhelmed and a bit lost."

Maria Jordon O'Reilly

 " Before I joined the Factory I had nearly 20 years experience as a glass artist but little experience in running a business. That is where I was stuck.

The Factory has so many workshops in the library, I'm still working my way through them.

Tara is so incredibly passionate about helping all the members in The Factory succeed via Q &A sessions & accountability calls which allow you to ask for the help.

Even when I don't have any questions I listen to other business owners and learn & get inspired by them.

Not all business schools can  boast they are a community as well and that's what makes The Factory so incredibly unique.  Would I recommend it ? I'd sing it from the roof tops, 100% yes.

Suzanne O Sullivan
Glass Artist



 " I joined the Biscuit Factory when I decided to take my artwork seriously. The benefits are endless! It is a group of people who are there to support you. If one person has something to celebrate, we all celebrate with them. If they have a problem, we put our heads together to come up with solutions. It is very much 'Community over competition'.  I would highly recommend the Biscuit Factory. If you are ready to invest in your business then this is the best way to do it in my opinion." 

Felicia Thomas
Author & Illustrator 

 " I came into Biscuit supports as a sort of last resort - my business was stagnating and I was losing the passion for it, something needed to happen. During my time with Biscuit, I was given every tool that I needed and I had actually increased sales and interaction from the first week! The biggest impact was the encouragement and feeling of complete support that I received throughout. I would encourage anyone to jump in and embrace it, it will be the best thing you ever do!! Kirsten 

Kirsten from Tinnock Farm
Candle & soap maker